Creating a Better Community, One Family at a Time
United through Education (Familias Unidas) promotes the progress of our community by teaching parents how to help and support their children achieve academic success, focusing on the academic, social emotional, and physical aspects of a healthy life. Through a nine-week long evening training course developed by Secundino Zuno and Ninfa Zuno, this two-level program fosters academic excellence in student’s households and in the classroom by integrating families within their homes and into the education system. During the course, families are taught many strategies and are provided with the necessary tools to get involved in their children’s education as well as creating healthy habits to live a healthy lifestyle. This comprehensive course helps families become well-rounded and empowers both parents and students academically, socially and emotionally. United through Education strengthens and supports existing district and school family engagement goals by practicing each of the National PTA Standards for Family School Partnerships.
How does it work?
Each week the families have the opportunity to learn and work together on projects in a nurturing environment. During the workshop, parents learn the importance of their role in their children’s academic success. Involvement in their children’s education enhances the development process of bright minds and engages both children and parents in multi-level intelligence experiences.
Most parents are often told what to do, but are unaware of how to do this effectively. In this workshop, parents and their children work together to learn how to improve in the following areas:
•Reading comprehension strategies, applicable to any book.
•Development of math and science skills.
•Best practices on helping students with their homework, reinforcing study skills, supporting students when not progressing.
•Computational skills and related math principles relevant to daily activities.
•Technology as a tool to enhance learning in reading, math and English; not just as entertainment or a communication tool.
•Math and language arts Standards Tests and other mandatory district assessments that their children will take during the year.
•Effective communication between parents and teachers throughout the school year, including Parent-Teacher Conferences.
•Developing habits for a healthy lifestyle including the importance of eating healthy foods, childhood obesity awareness, diabetes prevention, and maintaining a balanced emotional well-being.
Benefits to the Community
Research has shown that when families are involved in schools, students are more successful, both in the immediate and in the long term. United through Learning empowers both parents and children academically, socially and emotionally, thereby initiating growth within the community. After completing the training program, families realize the importance of learning and join a community of life long learners! Graduating families have observed and experienced many benefits including:
•An understanding of reading strategies and math concepts.
•A positive attitude and love of learning that extends beyond the classroom and into their homes.
•A continual sense of accomplishment that raises confidence and self-esteem.
•A drive to perform at their highest potential.
•A desire and motivation to learn to achieve their own goals.
•A deeper family bond centered around their child’s academic success and lifelong learning.
•A commitment to a healthy lifestyle for everyone in the family.
•A richer participation in the school and in the community.
United through Learning is successful in making a positive impact not only on the graduating families, but also for their teachers, school and communities. With their renewed sense of accomplishment and self-confidence, families often use their knowledge to become active volunteers in the classroom. United through Education will continue to strive to integrate families within the education system and strengthen family-school partnerships to further growth within the community.
Learn more about our program through videos from our graduates, teachers and administrators.
What is Familias Unidas?
¿Que es Familias Unidas?
What are the Parents Saying about Familias Unidas?
¿Que dicen los padres acerca de Familias Unidas?
How is Familias Unidas Impacting the School Community?
¿ Como Familias Unidas esta impactando a la comunidad escolar?
Messages about Familias Unidas
Comentarios sobre Familias Unidas
Thank you Familias Unidas!
¡Gracias Familias Unidas!